Estate of Karen Zimmerman
Sumter, SC
We are pleased & honored to offer, at online auction, the contents of Ms. Karen Zimmerman's home. Karen was a friend and counselor to many, and was loved in the community. This estate includes a very large and nice selection of antique and traditional furniture and home decor, and is one of the nicer collections that we have had the pleasure of offering. Don't miss this opportunity to buy fine furnishings, including:
Antique oak bedroom suit
French style bedroom suit
Period furniture (buffet, armoires, etc.)
Mahogany Dining Room Furniture by Wellington Hall
Electronics, including Bose sound systems
Antique Ice Box (great condition!)
Leather sofa, chair, ottoman
Many art pieces--signed,numbered prints, artists proofs
Large mirror
Decorative items
Church Pews
Christopher Radko china
Much, much more!
This will be a large auction, over 500 lots! Bidding will take place ONLINE ONLY!
Preview at 260 Idlelake Court, Sumter, SC at the following times:
Sunday, June 8, 3-6 PM;
Tuesday, June 10, 4-7 PM;
Rafe Dixon, Auctioneer
Sumter, SC
(803) 774-6967
Ask us about the real estate! This nice house on the market!